Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Current Conner POV

A deal with the man too? I can only assume he means a lord, and well Motlem being the lord of death... I give Claire a sideways glance. I don't know much about Mortlem, and for good reason, as I try to stay away from death as much as possible, I wonder if we'll need his blessing or something to actually kill Vincent. 

Why couldn't he of made a deal with Noctis? I couldn't help but think, or even Libidine as apparently she's been keen on watching over Claire and me.  

"Actually I generally find myself more respectful than to call upon them for every problem I have," I say. It's risky as I don't know him nearly as well as Claire does. 

seeing him in person again, talking and breathing brings back feelings I hadn't really thought of since the three months Claire and I were apart from each other. I try to push down my bubbling jealousy for another time as we have a bigger problem in front of us. 

"Keep the princesses safe," I whisper to Claire. "I don't think we can kill him yet." 

She gives me a slight nod and I look back at Vincent with a smirk, though perhaps a bit more cocky than I would have liked it to be. I'm almost positive if I tried to single-handedly with Vincent I would be poking a very angry bear with very sharp claws. I'm no swordsman, nor am I nearly a wise as Vincent but if I use my strengths all it would take is one little cut. 

Of course, if he still has a deal with Mortlem it would all be for nothing, and I'd put my life on the line for nothing. 

All I have to do is scare him off for now. I thought to myself. Should be fine, super easy even. As I took a step forward he returned his smug grin, the grin that dragged in Claire, even if I'll never understand how. 

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